Knight Life, Vol. 2: Walking with Empathy



Sunday, February 11, 2024
Knight Life, Vol. 2: Walking with Empathy

Niko Tsivourakis's sixth-grade English students experience a literature-related trust walk. As Mr. T. explains, a main theme in the World War I novel "After the Dancing Days" is facing reality and change, "which can manifest as people being sheltered, retreating from from it, and choosing comfort over truth. Blindness is obviously an issue with some returning soldiers, but it's also the condition of someone who chooses to ignore reality. So, we're playing with this little simulation so that they can complete some informal writing comparing their experiences to the novel and the painting 'Gassed'" (shown below). Photos by Dan Carsen.

Welcome to the second installment of Knight Life, a series of photos that capture moments of daily life at Altamont.

Below are more photos of the learning experience, followed by an image of the 1919 painting "Gassed" by John Singer Sargent, used with permission from Imperial War Museums (UK).



Gassed by John Singer Sargent (1919).jpg

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